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    Default Xx958xX's Mega Sub Guide


    This guide was writen by Xx958xX

    Table of Contense:

    0-Notes, PLease Read

    1-How to make a Subroutine using PS2DIS

    2-How to Make a Subroutine without PS2DIS

    3-how to Reverse a Subroutine


    0-Notes Please Read

    NOTE 1:

    Ok First of all NitePR, CoderPR and PS2DIS using Hex, im not going to explane because i probly wont explane it right,
    So the Hex in CoderPR/NitePR is always 2 lines like this:

    Address Hex
    0x00000000 0x00000000
    The last line of the address must be ether 0, 4, 8. or C or it will freeze. All the letters and numbers in Hex are:

    0-9 and A-F, nothing else or it will freeze

    00000000 00000000
    Its the same charecters just minus the "0x" at the begining of the code, but if your adding it to NitePR/CoderPR then
    you add the 0x

    NOTE 2:

    If you see a 0 it is ALWAYS a Zero NOT a o, it's the number not the letter ALWAYS, Dont use a o or it will freeze

    NOTE 3:

    If your PSP freezes because of a non-working code or when a code is activated at the wrong time dont freek, just remove the
    battery or wait for it to shut off by itself, Using the programs i am giving instructions CAN NOT harm your PSP in
    any way shape or form and to my knolege it CAN NOT harm your PC ether

    NOTE 4:

    The address in cheat format must end in one of these or it will freeze:

    0 / 4 / 8 / C

    If your editing a code in the Address collum then you will see what i mean


    1-How to make a Subroutine using PS2DIS

    What you will need:

    ~A PC

    ~A USB Cord

    ~A Ram Dump of The Game Your Using


    ~Some basic coding knoledge (Optional LOL)

    Ok so first you need PS2DIS, get it [HERE] and a Ram Dump of the game you will be using, Heres a Example:

    Im writing >DIE 2 BOOT< by STR8KRAZY into a Subroutine, so i open NitePR and i go the PRX menu and i click Dump Ram in slot 0
    and then i hook up my PSP to my PC via USB and i select the file called "Dump 0" or something like that, it should be around
    24MB and in the root of your memory stick. If you are using CoderPR then go to the options menu to dump the ram, then open
    the CoderPR folder in the root of your memory stick and open the "Ram Dumps" folder and theres your dump.
    You want to CUT (Ctrl + X) the Dump to your PC for easy use. Ok now make sure you have the Subroutine Template and a
    Code you want to sub, in my case its >DIE 2 BOOT< ok heres a sub and the code im subing (BTW u would get this very well if u
    followed the Example)

    Subroutine Template:

    lui t0 $[First Half Of Address + 1 If Second Half Is 8000 Or More]
    lui t1 $[First half Of Hex]
    ori t1 t1 $[Second Half Of Hex]
    sw t1 $[Second Half Of Address](t0)
    JR RA
    >DIE 2 BOOT ROOM<:

    #>DIE 2 BOOT<
    ;credit StR8KrAzY
    0x00658264 0x496337DE
    Ok now open PS2DIS, then click the open folder and select the Dump you got from MOHH2 (or the gamne ur using) and a box will
    come up like this:

    Load From [00000000] [OK]
    Address from [00000000] [Cancle]
    ok change the "Address From" to 08800000 (type 088 and hold 0 untell in starts beeping) and when you press enter there will
    be symbols, letters, numbers that are similar to the ones in the template (Shown above) then you press CTRL + F to open a
    box like this:

    [ ] [OK]
    [ ]Case Insentive Press F5 or Shift+F5 to find Next[Cancle]
    [ ]As Hex String [Cancle]
    ok check the box [ ]As Hex string and then enter this many zeroes:

    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000
    into the long blank box and hit enter. If you did it right most of those number like in the template should say "nop"
    Ok now lets take a look at the template, take the first line:

    lui t0 $[First Half Of Address + 1 If Second Half Is 8000 Or More]
    ok duble click on the first line that has a NOP in it and change the NOP with lui t0$ but dont hit enter yet, then right
    after the $ enter the first 4 charecters of the REAL address

    We interupt this guide for a mini guide on how to find the real address:

    copy the address and open the calculator, click view and select scintific then click on Hex. Paste the address in the calc
    and ADD 8800000 (88 with Five ZERoS after it) and thats your REAL address, now you dont need the other address
    so delete that and paste the REAL address there (add 0s to the beggining untell it has 8 charecters)

    Now we return you to your regularly sceguald guide.......

    Ok that was odd, any way now you have the real address so this is how i have my notepad document (i use notepad b/c its EZ 4

    lui t0 $[First Half Of Address + 1 If Second Half Is 8000 Or More]
    lui t1 $[First half Of Hex]
    ori t1 t1 $[Second Half Of Hex]
    sw t1 $[Second Half Of Address](t0)
    JR RA

    08E58264 496337DE

    #958's Boot Room
    ;Code: STR8KRAZY
    ;Sub By: Xx958xX
    ok thats just how i do it. ok now take the second line:

    lui t1 $[First half Of Hex]
    There is no REAL hex so just enter the first 4 charecters of the Hex

    Now for the third:

    ori t1 t1 $[Second Half Of Hex]
    So simply enter the second half of the hex

    Now the fourth is a bit different

    sw t1 $[Second Half Of Address](t0)
    Ok now enter the second half of the REAL address AND enter "(t0)" without the quotes at the end, Example:

    sw t1 $8264(t0)
    Ok now for the JR RA, just change the NOP to JR RA and that one is done lol

    Now find the codes you changed (should still be on screen one right after the other)
    and click on them like you did to add the template, and copy and paste them into your notepad (or what ever you use)
    Now mine looks like this:

    #958's Boot Room
    ;CREDIT: Xx958xX

    0x08800610 0x3c0808e6
    0x08800614 0x3c094963
    0x08800618 0x352937de
    0x0880061c 0xad098264
    0x08800620 0x03e00008
    You see the blank space in the code? thats where your hook goes, this is more simple than you think. Ok in PS2DIS
    press "G" and a window will pop up like this:

    Specify address in Hex f...[X]
    [ ][V]
    ok tyoe this in:


    and duble click on the line, chnage the NOP to this:

    ok now enter the first line of your sub, in my case its 08800610, then hit enter. Now copy the address and Data from the line
    and enter it at the top

    #958's Boot Room
    ;CREDIT: Xx958xX
    0x08800098 0x0a200184
    0x08800610 0x3c0808e6
    0x08800614 0x3c094963
    0x08800618 0x352937de
    0x0880061c 0xad098264
    0x08800620 0x03e00008
    ok now press CTRL + H and replace 0880 with 0000, or just replace the 88 in the begening of the address with 00. Now your
    done, ;) go test it out, if it dosent work make sure you did everything right, dont be scared to ask questions, and try
    a different hook instead of 08800098, try one of these:




    Good Luck!


    2-How to make a subroutine without PS2DIS (Xx958xX Founded)

    Ok if you have noticed 90% of subroutines have the same addresses,

    P.S this is just the sub, without the hook
    ok there are more things that subrutines have that are always the same, here it is:

    ----------Subroutine Template (USER EDITABLE) By Xx958xX
    0x00000610 0x3c08<-----The First 4 of the REAL address, + 1 to the end if the second half is over 8000
    0x00000614 0x3c09<-----The First 4 of the Hex
    0x00000618 0x3529<-----The last 4 of the Hex
    0x0000061c 0xad09<-----The Second half of the REAL address
    0x00000620 0x03e00008
    Ok now you need a hook so add this to the top:

    0x00000098 0x0x0a200184

    ;) have Fun........


    3-how to reverse a Subroutine (Xx958xX Founded)

    Ok it might frustrate people who want to joker a code that is subed and they dont know how to joker a sub
    (i dont think u can) so heres how to reverse the sub to get the ORIGNAIL hack!!

    First off you need the subroutine, My Example is SWRS Flash:

    #Xx958xX's Flash
    ;Credit: Xx958xX
    0x00000094 0x0a200184
    0x00000610 0x3c0808af
    0x00000614 0x3c09408c
    0x00000618 0x35290000
    0x0000061c 0xad09b5d4
    0x00000620 0x03e00008
    Ok now if u read the guide above this will be very easy, First lets look at my User Editable Sub Tempate:

    ----------Subroutine Template (USER EDITABLE) By Xx958xX
    0x00000610 0x3c08<-----The First 4 of the REAL address, + 1 to the end if the second half is over 8000
    0x00000614 0x3c09<-----The First 4 of the Hex
    0x00000618 0x3529<-----The last 4 of the Hex
    0x0000061c 0xad09<-----The Second half of the REAL address
    0x00000620 0x03e00008
    Ok the lines that the user must edit are the ones you want to take apart, ok heres my Ex.

    #Xx958xX's Flash
    ;Credit: Xx958xX
    0x00000094 0x0a200184
    0x00000610 0x3c0808af
    0x00000614 0x3c09408c
    0x00000618 0x35290000
    0x0000061c 0xad09b5d4
    0x00000620 0x03e00008
    So delete the hook (0x00000094 0x0a200184) and the name and the notes (#Xx958xX's Flash ;Credit: Xx958xX) and delete the
    addresses (0x00000610 and on) Delete the bottom Hex, then delete the 0xs at the beggining and the first 4 charecters of the
    Hexes. Deleting all this will make it easyer, so this is how it should look if your following the Example:


    Ok now look at this Subroutine template:

    lui t0 $[First Half Of Address + 1 If Second Half Is 8000 Or More]
    lui t1 $[First half Of Hex]
    ori t1 t1 $[Second Half Of Hex]
    sw t1 $[Second Half Of Address](t0)
    JR RA
    Forget teh JR RA, you see ho the first line is the first half of the REAL address? well add that to a blank text doc
    Then add the second half which should be B5D4 in this case, now if the second half is over 8000 then subtract 1 to the
    FOURTH charecter from the left of the REAL address you just copied, Heres my Ex so far:


    /\ u see, B is higher than 8000 so subtract 1

    Ok now copy and paste that into your calc. and subrtact 8800000 (88 with 5 Zeroes after them) and thats the Cheat format,
    So add 0s at the beggining of it untell it has 8 cherecters and add 0x before the code:

    08aEb5d4 - 8800000 = 002EB5D4

    Ok now lets get the Hex values, take the 408C and the 0000 and put them together

    408c0000 and thats the Hex, so are code is now:

    0x002EB5D4 0x408c0000
    And if your practicing check the code, lets see the working SWRS flash is

    0x002EB5D4 0x408C0000

    I got:

    0x002EB5D4 0x408c0000

    Hmmm would you look at that, Enjoy guys


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    Quote Originally Posted by abc-123 View Post

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