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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Rep Power


    #!! ---Basic Codes---
    #Robby23's Revamped Jump w/ ANIMATIONS
    ;Credit Robby
    ;Ported By KlokWorks
    ; square to jump, L + dpad down to victory dance(online u freeze offline), L + R to climb
    0x001d9a68 0x0e332c14
    0x004cb050 0x3c0908d0
    0x004cb054 0x3c0a09a5
    0x004cb058 0x854e3f54
    0x004cb05c 0x240f8000
    0x004cb060 0x240d0140
    0x004cb064 0x240c0300
    0x004cb068 0x11cd000d
    0x004cb070 0x11cc0010
    0x004cb078 0x15cf0011
    0x004cb080 0x8d2a3358
    0x004cb084 0xc54f001c
    0x004cb088 0x3c0b4240
    0x004cb08c 0x448b8000
    0x004cb090 0x46107bc0
    0x004cb094 0xe54f001c
    0x004cb098 0x0a332c30
    0x004cb0a0 0x8d2a3358
    0x004cb0a4 0x240b0018;L and Down animation
    0x004cb0a8 0xad4b0630
    0x004cb0ac 0x0a332c30
    0x004cb0b4 0x8d2a3358
    0x004cb0b8 0x240b0017;R and L animation
    0x004cb0bc 0xad4b0630
    0x004cb0c0 0x03e00008
    ;18 - Victory Dance
    ;17 - Climb
    ;19 - Getting shot
    ;11 - Push ups
    ;1F - fall
    ;2D - looks like your pressing buttons
    ;2E - Call some 1
    ;25 - Looks like you have an RPG
    ;27 - Plant object
    ;0F - do the worm
    ;0D - hold the button to do this animation and move your legs don't move
    ;30 - climb then use. looks like your washing something

    0x001d9a68 0x0e340d68
    0x005035a0 0x3c0908d0
    0x005035a4 0x3c1909a5
    0x005035a8 0x8d2a3358
    0x005035ac 0x87383f54
    0x005035b0 0x240f8200
    0x005035b4 0x15f80007
    0x005035bc 0xc54c0cb8
    0x005035c0 0xe54c0018
    0x005035c4 0xc54d0cbc
    0x005035c8 0xe54d001c
    0x005035cc 0xc54e0cc0
    0x005035d0 0xe54e0020
    0x005035d4 0x03e00008

    #quick switch
    ;Ported by Manofwar
    0x0026C73C 0x03E00008
    0x0026C740 0x00000000

    #Sensitive Shot
    ;Ported by Manofwar
    0x00498D60 0x00000074
    0x00498D64 0x6E616373
    0x00498D68 0x00000000
    0x00498D6C 0x00006E61
    0x00498D70 0x00000000
    0x00498D74 0x00796461
    0x00498D78 0x22000010

    #Low Gravity
    ;ported by goliath
    0x004b59d0 0x423C0000

    #Secret Window Big
    ;ported by goliath
    0x000eaf4c 0x3c063E40

    #Secret Window Small
    ;ported by goliath
    0x000eaf4c 0x3c063F00

    #Secret Window Upside down
    ;ported by goliath
    0x000eaf4c 0x3c064080

    #FTB1 Lock-On Style
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x004C5A00 0x4B400000

    #Burst Lock - Highest
    ;made/ported by apple juice
    ;turn code on after burst is locked
    0x01390090 0x7F7FFFFF

    #Burst Lock - Zero
    ;made/ported by apple juice
    ;turn code on after burst is locked
    0x01390090 0x00000000

    #Burst Lock - Infm
    ;made/ported by apple juice
    ;turn code on after burst is locked
    0x01390090 0x7F800000

    #Burst Lock - Nanm
    ;made/ported by apple juice
    ;turn code on after burst is locked
    0x01390090 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Hidden Clan Tag
    ;ported by goliath
    0x00F89370 0x7D322A7B
    0x00F89374 0x53746F47
    0x00F89378 0x6D6F636F
    0x00F8937C 0x302A7B3F
    0x00F89380 0x0000007d
    0x00F89384 0x00000000
    0x00F89388 0x00000000
    0x00F8938C 0x00000000

    #Major Crackhead
    ;turn round really fast
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0055d11c 0x40000000
    0x0055d120 0x40000000
    0x0055d124 0x40000000
    0x0055d128 0x40000000

    #Rapid Grenades/Keep tapping
    ;ported by applejuice
    0x00009d1c 0x00000000
    0x00256bbc 0x00000000
    0x00280acc 0x00000000
    0x00280e84 0x93A40020

    #Stronger Guns
    ;ported by goliath
    ;edited by apple juice aka crawler
    0x005ec760 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ec938 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ecB10 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ecCE8 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ecEC0 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ed098 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ed270 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ed448 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ed620 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ed7F8 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ed9D0 0x2F0F0123
    0x005e9BA8 0x2F0F0123
    0x005edD80 0x2F0F0123
    0x005edF58 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ee130 0x2F0F0123
    0x005ee308 0x2F0F0123

    0x0059EE54 0x3224002E
    0x0059EE58 0x73616820
    0x0057a100 0x32240067
    0x0057a104 0x6C616620
    0x0057a128 0x20322400
    0x0057a144 0x66203324
    0x0057a150 0x69772033
    0x00583174 0x69203224
    0x00583198 0x20332400
    0x005831B0 0x4E003324
    0x0059EE6C 0x3224002E
    0x00597AB8 0x77203224
    0x0049042C 0x25206425
    0x00490430 0x64252064

    #kill/win rank up
    0x0004FC18 0x24067FFF
    0x0004FC2C 0x24067FFF
    0x0004FC40 0x24060000
    0x0004fc7c 0x24067FFF
    ;team kills
    0x0004FC9C 0x24067FFF
    ;survival rating
    0x0004FCB0 0x02003025
    ;time played
    0x0004FCC4 0x02C03025
    0x0004FD80 0x02A03025

    #Extended MEME
    ;credit: applejuice
    0x00F89370 0x********
    0x00F89374 0x********
    x00F89378 0x********
    0x00F8937C 0x********
    0x00F89380 0x********
    0x00F89384 0x********
    x00F89388 0x********
    0x00F8938C 0x********
    0x00F89390 0x********
    0x00F89394 0x********
    0x00F89398 0x********
    0x00F8939C 0x********
    0x00F893A0 0x********
    0x00F893A4 0x********
    0x00F893A8 0x********
    0x00F893AC 0x********
    0x00F893B0 0x********
    0x00F893B4 0x********
    ;Address in red gets partially cut off when you enter it.

    #Infinite Ammo
    ;ported by Night_Diablo
    0x00305978 0x00C52821

    #PSPCube Generated Character
    ;ported by applejuice
    on't Try to edit character with this mod on
    ;Character Slot 1
    012d4510 0x4A4E494E
    012d4514 0X45532041
    012d4518 0X002E4C41
    012d4520 0x000000--
    012d4524 0x00000000
    012d4528 0x00000000
    012d452C 0x00--00--
    012d4530 0x554A00--

    #Force (switch team = Force)
    ;ported by Night Creature.
    0x00148fb4 0x0a2523ef
    0x0059e4a8 0x46207d74
    0x0059e4ac 0x6563726f
    x0059e4b0 0x6d614720
    0x0059e4b4 0x00000065

    #Inf CE
    ;ported by whackya
    0x0051573C 0x000F423F

    #Doors open 360
    ;ported by whackya
    0x004886c4 0x______01

    #No Flash Blindness
    0x00488500 0x00000000

    #true vertical clipping
    0x00250D14 0x03E00008

    ;Atropos + MuderNick
    0x00270B00 0x03E00008
    0x00270B04 0x00000000

    0x0011871C 0x03E00008
    0x00118720 0x00000000

    #rapid fire
    ;Atropos + MuderNick
    0x00280C40 0x1000000B

    ;Atropos + AppleJuice
    0x0055D0F8 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Inf Grenades
    0x005FB820 0x05580558
    0x005FB824 0x001409C8
    0x005FB828 0x0000001E

    #zoom teleport
    ;Atropos + AppleJuice
    0x001b94b8 0xE7CD0018
    0x001b94c8 0xE7CD001C
    0x001b94d8 0xE7CD0020

    #perfect Lock
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x0055d444 0x00000000
    0x0055d448 0x00000000
    0x0055d44c 0x00000000
    0x0055d450 0x00000000
    x0055d454 0x00000000
    0x0055d458 0x00000000
    0x0055d45c 0x00000000
    0x0055d460 0x00000000
    0x0055d464 0x00000000
    0x0055d468 0x00000000
    0x0055d46c 0x00000000
    0x0055d470 0x00000000
    0x0055d474 0x00000000
    0x0055d478 0x00000000
    0x0055d47c 0x00000000
    0x0055d480 0x00000000
    0x0055d484 0x00000000
    x0055d488 0x00000000

    #No Scope Recoil
    ;ported by Night_Diablo
    0x00280f7c 0x03E00008
    0x00280f80 0x00000000

    #One Shot Kill
    ;ported by Night_Diablo
    0x005ec760 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ec938 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ecb10 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ecce8 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ecec0 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ed098 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ed270 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ed448 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ed620 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ed7f8 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ed9d0 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005edba8 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005edd80 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005edf58 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ee130 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x005ee308 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Inf Health
    ;Ported by WAZGOINGON for Patch 1.4
    0x0026b5fc 0x03e00008
    0x0026b600 0x00000000
    0x0026bed8 0x03e00008
    0x0026bedc 0x00000000

    #no recoil
    ;ported by Almost
    0x0027b918 0x03e00008

    #bullet clipping
    ;ported by Almost
    0x0026f7c8 0x03e00008
    0x0026f7cc 0x00000000
    0x0026f744 0x03e00008
    0x0026f748 0x00000000

    #no knee break (fall)
    ;ported by Almost
    0x00260530 0x03e00008
    0x00260534 0x00000000

    #instant respawn
    ;ported by Almost
    0x000b1cc8 0x10000010

    #no fall damage
    ;ported by Almost
    0x0055d110 0x447a0000

    #inf medkits
    ;ported by Almost
    0x005fd194 0x05580558

    ;port by farmboy72
    0x0055D52C 0x40000000

    ;ported by applejuice
    ;use same way as before
    0x0048ffd0 0x00000000
    0x0048ffd4 0x00000000
    0x0048ffd8 0x00000000
    0x0048ffdc 0x00000000
    0x0048ffe0 0x00000000
    0x0048ffe4 0x00000000
    0x0048ffe8 0x00000000
    0x0048ffec 0x00000000

    #Fast Lock-On (M40A1)
    ;port by "ewood-group"
    0x005F5B74 0x3F950000
    0x005F5B78 0x3F950000
    0x005F5B7C 0x479CCCCD

    #Bouncing Rockets
    ;ported by Evanejk
    0x005EF3A4 0x00001B58
    0x005EF57C 0x00001B58

    #Throw PMNS
    ;ported by Evanejk
    0x005FC4E8 0x00000001

    #third party
    0x003021AC 0x03E00008

    #1.5 Throw Distance
    0x0055d38c 0x446A4000

    #See No Explosions
    0x00350b30 0x03E00008

    #Huge Defuse Bomb Range
    0x0055d1b8 0x50000000

    #unnoticable throw distance
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x0055D38C 0x446A4000
    0x0055D390 0x44578000

    #offline weapons online
    ;ported by mastodon + Atropos
    0x005F7308 0x00000005
    0x005FBFE8 0x00000014
    0x005FBFEc 0x00000000
    0x005FBFf0 0x00000000
    0x005FBFf4 0x00000016
    0x005FBEC0 0x00000001
    0x005FD0E4 0x3EB2B8C2
    0x005FD0E8 0x3EB2B8C2
    0x005FD0Ec 0x00000000
    0x005FBE8C 0x55A51DAB
    0x005FBE90 0xA6A0D607
    0x005FBE6C 0x443B8000
    0x005FBE70 0x00000081
    0x005F51B4 0x00000097
    0x005FBE74 0x75CED306
    0x005FBE78 0x000105A0
    0x00630DF0 0x000000AD
    0x00630DF8 0x00045108
    0x00630F04 0x000453A8
    0x005FB090 0x0000007D
    0x005F6E7C 0x00AE951C
    0x005F6E74 0x449C4000
    0x005F6E98 0xE5B46593
    0x005F7270 0x449C4000
    0x005F7274 0x00000097
    0x005F7278 0x00AE951C
    0x005F7294 0xE5B46593
    0x005F9254 0x0000004C
    0x00631618 0x5534A56F
    0x005Fa9dc 0x00000000
    0x005fb4ac 0x00000008
    0x005fb4b0 0x0000001E
    0x005fbaf4 0x44BB8000
    0x005fbaf8 0x00000079
    0x005fbafc 0xB6A2F3FB

    #Black Map
    ;ported by goliath
    0x20516268 0x00000000
    0x2051626c 0xff000000

    #M203/Non-Explosive rooms
    ;ported by goliath
    0x006301a8 0x000000ff

    #play dead
    ;ported by goliath
    0x0026b230 0x03E00008

    #play dead OFF
    ;ported by goliath
    0x0026b230 0x27BDFF90

    #play dead OFF
    ;ported by goliath
    0x0026b230 0x27BDFF90

    #Perfect Traction
    ;ported by goliath
    0x004c65ac 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Tint Map
    ;ported by goliath
    0x20516268 0x00000000
    0x2051626c 0xffffffff

    #no knock back from shotguns
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x00565A98 0x447A0000

    #see through walls
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x00516268 0x00000000
    0x0051626c 0x00FFFFFF

    #shoot through walls
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x0011871C 0x03E00008
    0x00118720 0x00000000

    #!! ---Shoot Codes---
    ;Only use one at a time.
    ;Use with M203 FRAG

    #shoot m7a3
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000007D

    #shoot at4
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000008F

    #shoot vsv
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000006F

    #shoot rk74
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000005F

    #shoot hk5
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000001F

    #shoot HE
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000007E

    #shoot M1
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000006E

    #shoot less lethal m490
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000004D

    #shoot repeating crossbow
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000006D

    #shoot crossbow
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000006C

    #shoot R303
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000004C

    #shoot ats-86g
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000004B

    #shoot m60E3
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000005B

    #shoot L96AW
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000006B

    #shoot Mark 141
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000007B

    #shoot unlocalized
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000009B

    #shoot ANM8
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000007A

    #shoot SR25
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000006A

    #shoot looks liks pills(stops guns)
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000005A

    #shoot SR22
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000004A

    #shoot AK47
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000003A

    #shoot M1928
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000029

    #shoot Airstrike
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000A2

    #shoot supply drop
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000A3

    #shoot explosion
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000009C

    #shoot satchel
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x00000098

    #shoot c4
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x00000097

    #shoot medkit
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x000000d6

    #shoot stinger
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x00000098

    #shoot r303
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x00000081

    #shoot pmn
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x0000009e

    #shoot m7a3
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x0000007d

    #shoot mark141
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x0063c1ac 0x0000007b

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000066

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000067

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000068

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000079

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000089

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000091

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000099

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000009A
    #M203 HE
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000A4

    #M203 680
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000A6

    #GL-36 FRAG
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000AB

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000AC

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000AD

    #GS-1 FRAG
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000B4

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000DA

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000FC

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000FD

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000FF

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000022

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000024

    #9MM SUB
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000025

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000028

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000036

    #STG 77
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x0000003A

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x00000045

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000C4

    #low scope
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000C5

    #high scope
    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000C7

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000CA

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000CB

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000CC

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000CE

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000D0

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000D3

    ;ported by AppleJuice
    0x006301a8 0x000000E9

    #!!---Fast Lock On's---
    0x00000000 0x00000000
    #Fast Lock-On
    ;Fast Lock-On (M87ELR)
    0x005F6034 0x3F950000
    0x005F6038 0x3F950000
    0x005F603C 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (M40A1)
    0x005F5B74 0x3F950000
    0x005F5B78 0x3F950000
    0x005F5B7C 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (L96AW)
    0x005F51F8 0x3F950000
    0x005F51FC 0x3F950000
    0x005F5200 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (SR-25)
    0x005F64F4 0x3F950000
    0x005F64F8 0x3F950000
    0x005F64FC 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (SAS-R)
    0x005F4CF0 0x3F950000
    0x005F4CF4 0x3F950000
    0x005F4CF8 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (VSV-39)
    0x005F69FC 0x3F950000
    0x005F6A00 0x3F950000
    0x005F6A04 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (M1)
    0x005F56B8 0x3F950000
    0x005F56BC 0x3F950000
    0x005F56C0 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (Repeating Crossbow)
    0x005FA5F4 0x3F955000
    0x005FA5F8 0x3F955000
    0x005FA5FC 0x499CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (RTK-74)
    0x005F40D4 0x3F995000
    0x005F40D8 0x3F995000
    0x005F40DC 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (SFCR-LW)
    0x005F2620 0x3F995000
    0x005F2624 0x3F995000
    0x005F2628 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (M8 )
    0x005F3BF0 0x3F995000
    0x005F3BF4 0x3F995000
    0x005F3BF8 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (STG-77)
    0x005F309C 0x3F995000
    0x005F30A0 0x3F995000
    0x005F30A4 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (SR-22)
    0x005F3610 0x3F995000
    0x005F3614 0x3F995000
    0x005F3618 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (ATS-86G)
    0x005F2C00 0x3F995000
    0x005F2C04 0x3F995000
    0x005F2C08 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (SPZ-15)
    0x005F9E38 0x3F995000
    0x005F9E3C 0x3F995000
    0x005F9E40 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (M60E3)
    0x005F4500 0x3F995000
    0x005F4504 0x3F995000
    0x005F4508 0x479CCCCD
    ;Fast Lock-On (M1918)
    0x005F4908 0x3F995000
    0x005F490C 0x3F995000
    0x005F4910 0x479CCCCD

    #Lock on AT4 and RPG
    ;ported by Evanejk
    0x005FCAD4 0x00000001
    0x005FCDF8 0x00000001

    #fast lock on
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x005F309C 0x3F950000
    0x005F30a0 0x3F950000
    0x005F30a4 0x479ccccd
    0x005F3610 0x3F950000
    0x005F3614 0x3F950000
    0x005F3618 0x479ccccd
    0x005F3BF0 0x3F950000
    0x005F3BF4 0x3F950000
    0x005F3BF8 0x479ccccd

    #fast lock on(most guns)
    ;ported by mastodon
    0x005F309C 0x3F950000
    0x005F30a0 0x3F950000
    0x005F30a4 0x479ccccd
    0x005F3610 0x3F950000
    0x005F3614 0x3F950000
    0x005F3618 0x479ccccd
    0x005F3BF0 0x3F950000
    0x005F3BF4 0x3F950000
    0x005F3BF8 0x479ccccd
    0x005F2620 0x3F950000
    0x005F2624 0x3F950000
    0x005F2628 0x3F950000
    0x005F2040 0x3F950000
    0x005F2044 0x3F950000
    0x005F2048 0x479ccccd
    0x005F2C00 0x3F950000
    0x005F2C04 0x3F950000
    0x005F2C08 0x479ccccd
    0x005f14c8 0x3F950000
    0x005f14cc 0x3F950000
    0x005F14b0 0x479ccccd
    ;m4 a1
    0x005F1A84 0x3F950000
    0x005F1A88 0x3F950000
    0x005F1A8c 0x479ccccd
    0x005F7A78 0x3F950000
    0x005F7A7c 0x3F950000
    0x005F7A80 0x479ccccd
    0x005F8AA8 0x3F950000
    0x005F8AAc 0x3F950000
    0x005F8Ab0 0x479ccccd
    ;m490 shotgun
    0x005F9298 0x3F950000
    0x005F929c 0x3F950000
    0x005F92a0 0x479ccccd
    0x005F9A58 0x3F950000
    0x005F9A5c 0x3F950000
    0x005F9A60 0x479ccccd
    0x005F9E38 0x3F950000
    0x005F9E3c 0x3F950000
    0x005F9E40 0x479ccccd
    0x005FA218 0x3F950000
    0x005FA21c 0x3F950000
    0x005FA220 0x479ccccd
    ;repeating crossbow
    0x005FA5F4 0x3F950000
    0x005FA5F8 0x3F950000
    0x005FA5Fc 0x479ccccd

    #!!---LOBBY CODES---
    0x00000000 0x00000000
    #Switch to Force Room
    ;ported by dark.messiah
    0x00148fb4 0x0a2523ef

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    [Owner Of FluidCoding]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    your girls pants
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    I got add on's to those codes i just need to get my psp bak i got grounded ill add to this is 3-5 days just gimme a bit. I no i got vote to boot and stuff like that if u want the boots pm me. I dont publicly give boots that aint right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
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    is this 1.40 patch codes?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
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    Default Codes

    Um SonniE wats the txt code?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    your girls pants
    Rep Power


    yes these are the 1.4 codes and blackeagle......................try to think, 5 secs is all, it really explains itself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
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    What patch codes are these?

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