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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Rep Power

    Default Selective Kill/Suicide Teleport Knife Build

    pretty easy code to use just enable code and press start to see Kill, Next, Previous and the name of the victim on the top left corner. Built in Teleport-Knife as well

    #Selective Kill
    ;L+R+[] to tele knife
    ;everything else on start menu
    0x0081f928 0x3c020902
    0x0081f92c 0x8c42fefc
    0x0081f930 0x13220017
    0x0053df58 0x2a7b0000
    0x0053df5c 0x454e7d32
    0x0053df60 0x00005458
    0x0053dfe4 0x494b7d31
    0x0053dfe8 0x00004c4c
    0x0081ff00 0x27bdfff0
    0x0081ff04 0xafa40000
    0x0081ff08 0xafa50004
    0x0081ff0c 0xafa60008
    0x0081ff10 0x3c040902
    0x0081ff34 0x240f05de
    0x0081ff38 0x10cf000b
    0x0081ff40 0x1000000a
    0x0081ff48 0x24c50002
    0x0053dfd0 0x09020000
    0x0081ff4c 0xac85fefc
    0x0081ff50 0x10000006
    0x0081ff58 0x24c50062
    0x0081ff5c 0xac85fefc
    0x0081f914 0xafa20010
    0x0081f918 0xafbf0014
    0x0081f91c 0x3c0508d0
    0x0053dfa8 0x00005355
    0x0053e014 0x0901f900
    0x0053dfe0 0x2a7b0000
    0x0081f920 0x8cb95858
    0x0081f924 0x8f390000
    0x0081f934 0x00021400
    0x0081f938 0x03221026
    0x0053df9c 0x2a7b0000
    0x0053dfa0 0x52507d32
    0x0053dfa4 0x4f495645
    0x0053dfe4 0x494b7d31
    0x0081f93c 0x3c0408d6
    0x0081f940 0x8c87176c
    0x0081f944 0x3c0408d0
    0x0081f948 0x3c060902
    0x0081f94c 0x00c06825
    0x0081ff60 0x10000002
    0x0081ff68 0xac80fefc
    0x0081f90c 0xafa60008
    0x0081f910 0xafa7000c
    0x0081f950 0x25a9f994
    0x0081f954 0xad220000
    0x0081f958 0x34050040
    0x004be15c 0x8dac000c
    0x004be160 0x8dae0010
    0x0082001c 0x240a0004
    0x00820020 0x112a000e
    0x00820028 0x240a0066
    0x0081f95c 0x2406ffff
    0x0081f960 0x34080008
    0x0081f974 0x8fa50004
    0x0082002c 0x112a0006
    0x00820034 0x240b0064
    0x00820038 0x012b6022
    0x0081ff18 0x10c0000b
    0x0081ff1c 0x24180002
    0x0081ff20 0x10d80009
    0x0081ff24 0x24190004
    0x0082003c 0xad0cfefc
    0x0081f978 0x8fa60008
    0x0081ff78 0x03e00008
    0x0081ff7c 0x27bd0010
    0x0081f900 0x27bdffe0
    0x0081f904 0xafa40000
    0x0081f97c 0x8fa7000c
    0x0081f980 0x8fa20010
    0x0081f990 0x0a407e5c
    0x0081f998 0x33c8fffc
    0x00820000 0x3c080902
    0x00820004 0x8d09fefc
    0x00820008 0x11200017
    0x0081ff6c 0x8fa40000
    0x0081ff70 0x8fa50004
    0x0081ff74 0x8fa60008
    0x0081f908 0xafa50004
    0x00820010 0x240a0002
    0x00820014 0x11490014
    0x004be14c 0x258c0002
    0x004be150 0x172c000b
    0x004be158 0x3c0b08d9
    0x00820040 0x10000009
    0x00820048 0x240b0062
    0x0082004c 0x012b6022
    0x004be13c 0xad602e78
    0x004be140 0x1000000f
    0x004be148 0xad58e0f4
    0x004be164 0x8daf0014
    0x004be168 0x8db80018
    0x00820050 0xad0cfefc
    0x00820054 0x10000004
    0x0082005c 0x240b0002
    0x0081f964 0x00005025
    0x0081f968 0x0e23b99f
    0x004be118 0x01384820
    0x004be11c 0x8d2c0000
    0x0081f96c 0x248444d8
    0x0081f970 0x8fa40000
    0x00820060 0x012b6022
    0x00810040 0xad690638
    0x004be134 0x3c0b08d9
    0x00820064 0xad0cfefc
    0x00820068 0x03e00008
    0x00000118 0x0a404000
    0x004be114 0x8d58e0f4
    0x00810000 0x3c080902
    0x004be180 0x03e00008
    0x00810004 0x8d09fefc
    0x00810008 0x3c0a09a8
    0x0081000c 0x8d4ae1e4
    0x00810010 0x3c0b08d0
    0x00810014 0x8d6b5858
    0x00810018 0x1160000a
    0x00810020 0x340c8300
    0x00810024 0x8d6d0000
    0x004be100 0x3c080902
    0x00810028 0x11a90006
    0x00810030 0x154c0004
    0x00810038 0x340e001c
    0x0081003c 0xad6e0630
    0x00810044 0x03e00008
    0x000000cc 0x0a32f840
    0x004be104 0x8d19fefc
    0x004be108 0x3c0908d6
    0x004be10c 0x25291458
    0x004be110 0x3c0a08cc
    0x004be120 0x8d2d0004
    0x004be124 0x240e0080
    0x0053df8c 0x0901ff00
    0x0053df9c 0x2a7b0000
    0x0053dfa0 0x52507d32
    0x0053dfa4 0x4f495645
    0x004be128 0x170e0007
    0x004be12c 0x27180008
    0x004be130 0xad40e0f4
    0x0081ff14 0x8c86fefc
    0x0081ff28 0x10d9000b
    0x0081ff2c 0x24c50064
    0x0081ff30 0xac85fefc
    0x004be138 0xad602e74
    0x004be16c 0xad6c2e74
    0x0081f984 0x8fbf0014
    0x0081f988 0x03e00008
    0x0081f98c 0x27bd0020
    0x004be170 0xad6e2e78
    0x004be174 0xad6f2e7c
    0x004be178 0xad782e80
    0x004be17c 0xad602e84

    #Selective Suicide
    ;L+R+[] to tele knife
    ;everything else on start menu
    ;Fall to death
    0x0081f928 0x3c020902
    0x0081f92c 0x8c42fefc
    0x0081f930 0x13220017
    0x0053df58 0x2a7b0000
    0x0053df5c 0x454e7d32
    0x0053df60 0x00005458
    0x0053dfe4 0x494b7d31
    0x0053dfe8 0x00004c4c
    0x0081ff00 0x27bdfff0
    0x0081ff04 0xafa40000
    0x0081ff08 0xafa50004
    0x0081ff0c 0xafa60008
    0x0081ff10 0x3c040902
    0x0081ff34 0x240f05de
    0x0081ff38 0x10cf000b
    0x0081ff40 0x1000000a
    0x0081ff48 0x24c50002
    0x0053dfd0 0x09020000
    0x0081ff4c 0xac85fefc
    0x0081ff50 0x10000006
    0x0081ff58 0x24c50062
    0x0081ff5c 0xac85fefc
    0x0081f914 0xafa20010
    0x0081f918 0xafbf0014
    0x0081f91c 0x3c0508d0
    0x0053dfa8 0x00005355
    0x0053e014 0x0901f900
    0x0053dfe0 0x2a7b0000
    0x0081f920 0x8cb95858
    0x0081f924 0x8f390000
    0x0081f934 0x0002c400
    0x0081f938 0x03021026
    0x0053df9c 0x2a7b0000
    0x0053dfa0 0x52507d32
    0x0053dfa4 0x4f495645
    0x0053dfe4 0x494b7d31
    0x0081f93c 0x3c0408d6
    0x0081f940 0x8c87176c
    0x0081f944 0x3c0408d0
    0x0081f948 0x3c060902
    0x0081f94c 0x00c06825
    0x0081ff60 0x10000002
    0x0081ff68 0xac80fefc
    0x0081f90c 0xafa60008
    0x0081f910 0xafa7000c
    0x0081f950 0x25a9f994
    0x0081f954 0xad220000
    0x0081f958 0x34050040
    0x004be15c 0x8dac000c
    0x004be160 0x8dae0010
    0x0082001c 0x240a0004
    0x00820020 0x112a000e
    0x00820028 0x240a0066
    0x0081f95c 0x2406ffff
    0x0081f960 0x34080008
    0x0081f974 0x8fa50004
    0x0082002c 0x112a0006
    0x00820034 0x240b0064
    0x00820038 0x012b6022
    0x0081ff18 0x10c0000b
    0x0081ff1c 0x24180002
    0x0081ff20 0x10d80009
    0x0081ff24 0x24190004
    0x0082003c 0xad0cfefc
    0x0081f978 0x8fa60008
    0x0081ff78 0x03e00008
    0x0081ff7c 0x27bd0010
    0x0081f900 0x27bdffe0
    0x0081f904 0xafa40000
    0x0081f97c 0x8fa7000c
    0x0081f980 0x8fa20010
    0x0081f990 0x0a407e5c
    0x0081f998 0x33c8fffd
    0x00820000 0x3c080902
    0x00820004 0x8d09fefc
    0x00820008 0x11200017
    0x0081ff6c 0x8fa40000
    0x0081ff70 0x8fa50004
    0x0081ff74 0x8fa60008
    0x0081f908 0xafa50004
    0x00820010 0x240a0002
    0x00820014 0x11490014
    0x004be14c 0x258c0002
    0x004be150 0x172c000b
    0x004be158 0x3c0b08d9
    0x00820040 0x10000009
    0x00820048 0x240b0062
    0x0082004c 0x012b6022
    0x004be13c 0xad602e78
    0x004be140 0x1000000f
    0x004be148 0xad58e0f4
    0x004be164 0x8daf0014
    0x004be168 0x8db80018
    0x00820050 0xad0cfefc
    0x00820054 0x10000004
    0x0082005c 0x240b0002
    0x0081f964 0x00005025
    0x0081f968 0x0e23b99f
    0x004be118 0x01384820
    0x004be11c 0x8d2c0000
    0x0081f96c 0x248444d8
    0x0081f970 0x8fa40000
    0x00820060 0x012b6022
    0x00810040 0xad690638
    0x004be134 0x3c0b08d9
    0x00820064 0xad0cfefc
    0x00820068 0x03e00008
    0x00000118 0x0a404000
    0x004be114 0x8d58e0f4
    0x00810000 0x3c080902
    0x004be180 0x03e00008
    0x00810004 0x8d09fefc
    0x00810008 0x3c0a09a8
    0x0081000c 0x8d4ae1e4
    0x00810010 0x3c0b08d0
    0x00810014 0x8d6b5858
    0x00810018 0x1160000a
    0x00810020 0x340c8300
    0x00810024 0x8d6d0000
    0x004be100 0x3c080902
    0x00810028 0x11a90006
    0x00810030 0x154c0004
    0x00810038 0x340e001c
    0x0081003c 0xad6e0630
    0x00810044 0x03e00008
    0x000000cc 0x0a32f840
    0x004be104 0x8d19fefc
    0x004be108 0x3c0908d6
    0x004be10c 0x25291458
    0x004be110 0x3c0a08cc
    0x004be120 0x8d2d0004
    0x004be124 0x240e0080
    0x0053df8c 0x0901ff00
    0x0053df9c 0x2a7b0000
    0x0053dfa0 0x52507d32
    0x0053dfa4 0x4f495645
    0x004be128 0x170e0007
    0x004be12c 0x27180008
    0x004be130 0xad40e0f4
    0x0081ff14 0x8c86fefc
    0x0081ff28 0x10d9000b
    0x0081ff2c 0x24c50064
    0x0081ff30 0xac85fefc
    0x004be138 0xad602e74
    0x004be16c 0xad6c2e74
    0x0081f984 0x8fbf0014
    0x0081f988 0x03e00008
    0x0081f98c 0x27bd0020
    0x004be170 0xad6e2e78
    0x004be174 0xad6f2e7c
    0x004be178 0xad782e80
    0x004be17c 0xad602e84

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    your roof
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    Default Re: Selective Kill/Suicide Teleport Knife Build

    did you make these?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
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    Default Re: Selective Kill/Suicide Teleport Knife Build

    Lol no. does the credit say volcom89?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    your roof
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    Default Re: Selective Kill/Suicide Teleport Knife Build

    ya, but it just seems kinda funny to post two codes you did not make and say "pretty easy code to use just enable code and press start to see Kill, Next, Previous and the name of the victim on the top left corner. Built in Teleport-Knife as well" also i have seen you post these to codes on different sites, and some people change there name but keep there credit the same.

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