hey guys i got xXxTWiST3DxXx cods for SFDM and i put them in the nite pr SDFM txt file and when im in a game i enable them and some dont work like the tele thing and the info ammo etc... what am i doin wrong plz help. thnxxx!!!
hey guys i got xXxTWiST3DxXx cods for SFDM and i put them in the nite pr SDFM txt file and when im in a game i enable them and some dont work like the tele thing and the info ammo etc... what am i doin wrong plz help. thnxxx!!!
Well they are either defective codes or you're using them wrong.
Infinite Ammo shouldn't make any sound but it will be there. Telekinesis is you have to go right up to them and melee them.
[quote][color=lawngreen][05-09, 03:42] xWhite_Shadowx dictionary.com
[05-09, 03:42] ANBU-grimm idiocy is not a word lmao
"SonniE"(8:26:02 PM): lmao
"SonniE"(8:26:05 PM): i just lost to a ai with random generated moves
superrus1 (8:37:35 PM): dumbass
superrus1 (8:37:37 PM): rofl
his blue lines doesnt show up in nitepr when i past can u like tell me how to put them in the text file of the game like exactly how so i can just past it in there plz and how does the twisted telle punch work i activate it and notinn happen???!?!?!