If you want these codes and MANY more, buy VIP, its only 13$ for 3 months of VIP codes

For gun switch its the ACTUAL switch, meaning its not just modding guns, you're actually getting the gun you switch to, and if you put it in a box someone else can use it

#Real Perfect Gun Switch
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;L+Up = Combat Shotgun
;L+Right = Z_Base_Shotgun
;L+Down = Jackhammer HE
;L+Left = MiniGun

#Perfect Roll
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Roll from any height and incur no damage

#Guns Sound Distance
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Hear guns from farther, helps you spot enemies

#Target Lock SkillZ
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;For TL games only

#Shot Distance
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
istance increase on bullets

#Crouching Accuracy Percent Increase
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Only works when crouching

#Running Accuracy Percent Increase
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Only works when running

#UMD error fix
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Fixes UMD error received by SonniE's Anti-Kick

#Radar Farther Range
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Increases range on radar

#Enemies stay on Radar
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Your enemies stay on the radar forever after seeing them once

#Radar Large Scale
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx

#Radar large outer range
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx

#Game Abort Fix
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;If you're laggy and do a 2v2, sometimes Game Aborted pops up and you can't press start,
;This code Bypasses that so you can pick your guns
;Always Leave this on

#Ready Up Hack
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Everyone is forced to ready up, including you

#Shotgun Headshotter
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Use with shotgun type weapons only

#Perfect Shotgun Bullets
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx

#EDSU Far View
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Lets you see farther with the EDSU

#IR(Thermal) Far View
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Lets you see farther with the IR

#Infinite Super Darts
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;This is NOT a gun mod, its an actual dart code.

#Ultimate Turret
;Credit xWhite_Shadowx
;Rapid Turret that never oveheats