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    Default CoderPR - The new nitePR mod by HaxCommunity

    CoderPR is the new nitePR mod, it's focused on what's useful, what's handy, what's fast... Well Basically what YOU, the users want!
    Version 0.8.5 Includes:
    • Much More Organized Layout On Memory Stick
    • Now supports setting a range of addresses to search
    • CheatHZ setting is set to 15/1000 by default
    • New cheats, instead of being labeled 'CHEAT 0' are now named "Cheat In Progress - 0"
    • Some text has been changed to be more user-friendly/include credits
    • Menu's Rearranged
    • Minor Color changes,but keeps main nitepr color scheme
    • Browser and Decoder now can see addresses under 0x08804000, which is useful for when writing subs in low addressing.
    • Logger has been removed, all callbacks to the logger have been removed as well.
    • Screenshot function is disabled by default, can be enabled in menu. No more interrupting your game with useless pictures
    • Faster Speed scroll keys for cheat menu.
    • Option to change the menu key to a different combo.
    • Option added to "Kill coderPR", awesome for those times you just don't feel like cheating.
    • Option to "Import cheats from NitePR" has been added
    • "Refresh Cheats" Has been added
    • Real Addressing has been turned off by requests, however is switchable via menu
    • Search now displays first 200 results
    • Key delay for Range menu has been fixed
    • Length of allowed Cheat names has been increased, from 32, to 50!
    • USB access is allowed via one of the menus
    • Can use slightly more cheats (did not increase much, don't want crashes)
    • Allows Cheat Renaming In-Menu, Press select while hovered on a cheat to bring up menu.(Beta Function)
    • Allows you to scroll quickly through search results as well, press SQUARE + Right/Left to scroll fast
    • Now is compatible with nitePRed.exe, simply rename the prx to nitePR.prx, run nitePRed, then rename the file back to coderPR.prx.

    What are people saying about coderPR?
    Quote Originally Posted by Oby1chick
    Thanks a lot for the new features HaxCommunity, You have all my support.
    Keep up the good work and I will test this new version soon on my old psp,
    Quote Originally Posted by J2GNoToRiOuS420
    Im just glad theres somebody that listens to a real coders request
    Quote Originally Posted by HX-
    this is usefull thanks im currently useing it =]
    Quote Originally Posted by Dmonchild Aka "RedHate"
    looks good, i think you're shit will turn on nice if you keep doing what you're doing you have the search range shit worked out thats pimpin
    Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsYou
    great plugin, I personally use it on one of my 2 MSs. (Mkultra on the other)

    Download is available @

    Mods/Admins: Approval for this thread/link was given by sonnie. Please do not delete.
    Last edited by Murderface; 03-17-2009 at 11:33 PM.

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