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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
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    Default how to make guns with nitepr on SFDM

    can sum1 plz tell me how to make guns on SFDM with nitepr?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New York
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    you cant "make" guns...
    you can mod guns =]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
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    My modded guns hacks never seem to work for me =/

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: how to make guns with nitepr on SFDM

    how do i mod guns?
    i cant figure it out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: how to make guns with nitepr on SFDM

    i tried making a zbase.
    i search the amounts of bullets
    shoot twice
    search again
    shoot twice again
    search again
    then on the address i changed it to BC 9F 04
    it doesnt work for some reason

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Default Re: how to make guns with nitepr on SFDM

    ok this guide will give you an idea on what to do with your guns and how to mod/hack them! lets start!
    were going to start with a ramat, beacuse i think its the easiest!
    1. boot up SFDM and get into the nitepr main menu.
    2. now go to searcher.
    3. go down to the last sub-option text search.
    4. enter RAMAT then search
    5. now look in the list the adress your lookin for is going to start with 0x0083 or 0x0084, just to make sure you have the correct address here it is: 0x00840DDA
    6. now that u have that adress your half way throught the battle!!
    7. just hit select on the adress in the search results and then hit R till you get to the browser
    8. press select again in the browser and hit paste this time
    9. now just scroll down a few lines....
    10. there should be a row with FFFFFFFF (note: just an example the amount of FF's may vary!!)
    11. now press select again and copy that adress.
    12. press R one more time till your in the decoder now press select and then paste it
    (NITEPR HAS A LITTLE BUG!! make sure you have pasted the correct adress!! this bug is a pain in the ass!!!)
    13. now when you fixed the adress(if needed) now there is a few rows of FFF's just press x and then down so that one of the rows clears. and change it to what ever you want...try 14 this is the flame thrower.
    14. now press R to shoot and test it if that adress you just tested fails restore the FFFF's and and go to the next adress!
    15. eventually after a few try's youll get the right adress from there on out change the values to what ever!
    values i know of the top of my head!:
    red/orange orb-69
    nerve gas- D or E
    34- blue eletrical dots
    79- blue/purple plasma
    7E-orange eletrical bullet(might b 7C)
    when you get good at gun mods you be able to find patterns just from playing with the values! so good luck and +rep if you liked/thought usefull! thanks part 2 soon ill cover explosives and flamethrower....stuff that doesnt use bullets =]

    This guide is going to show you how to hack the flamethrower and explosives! I would consider it to be a little harder then gun modding, as to the FFFF's here dont do anything! lets being!:


    2. Ok boot up your psp, and get into SFDM story mode or online(online if your going to do the flamethrower!)Right now im going to be focusing on the m67's and the smaw, why you ask? well they are in story mode, and it would b the fastest and easiest to learn.

    3. get to the weapon select screen, and select these weapons: M67,SMAW, and then any thing else!(NOTE: you must have m67, and the SMAW....and at this point you cant figure out why look to the right of the screen, yep twords the top, click on that red X)

    4. now that you have your weapons selective work on clearing an area out to test with out dying, i always kill the guy on the ground, then fast scope the guy on the tower by the fire, then the other guys that happen to come. when they are gone we can begin searching.

    5. lets do the m67(NOTE: you cant just open up the nitePR menu and search "M67" there will b NO match)so your gunna search "timed_grenade" no quotes, you should get this address in the browser(if you read my other guide it says that all gun address's start with 0x0083, or 0x0084)0x00835E4C now just hit select and copy address then go into decoder and press select again then paste.

    6. now that your adress is in the decoder it will be easier to read, and release some new hacks! scroll down to near the FFF's (like in my last guide).

    7. now this the tricky part FFFFFF is for the bullets look around those FFFFFF's up and down a few address's you should find one that reads 00000005.

    8. your done you've found your address and value now just change 5 to get some new effects try 97 you'll get some cool blue rings! (I RECOMMEND YOU SAVE THE ADDRESS)


    SMAW modding!!:

    1. The SMAW is rather easy ill show you how to change the missle leaving the SMAW and when it hits the target!

    2. open your nitePR menu.

    3. This address is REALLY hard to find! so ill give you a free-bee
    0x0083FD84 0000001A is the SMAWS explosion
    0x0083FD88 00000004 is the SMAWS scope(change it youll see what i mean)
    0x0083FD8C 00000019 is the SMAWS bullet leaving the SMAW(the smoke)

    4. edit these to your likings and your done =]

    FLAMETHROWER modding!!:

    1. open up your nitePR menu, if you've been following the guide we just hacked the SMAW, well SFDM was nice enought to put the flamethrower right above the SMAW(haha)
    (ill still show how to search!!)

    2. search "FLAMETHROWER" no quotes you should get 0x0083FA68

    3. put that in the decoder and scroll down the decoder and find the FFFF's but this time is different, there aren't as much FFFF's (its going to be harder, there are two sections of FFFFF's so find the one with a 14 above the FFFFF's BINGO we have a winner....ill let you guess

    4. well your prob mad at me now lol so ill tell you the 14 is the fire so change 14 and your good to go! 34 try that you'll get some blue bullets!

    ok this one is fairly easy, and maybe the same on all the other SF series. this tutorial will show you how to make the damage radius the whole lvl(because i think the game is all ready ruined), and to make the lvl black on explosion, or blue flashing explosion all fairly easy if you have read my other tutorials!

    damage radius
    (im using references from my other tutorials)
    1. find the gun you want to mod(explosives are the best)
    2. now go near the FFFF's and look up a few lines A041 you should see
    3. use the first one this is the damage radius(youl see the next on in the next paragraph), now on some weapons its diffrent C841, A241....etc just remove the front one C8, A2, A0...etc to 0044 and now its done
    4. enjoy...now wasnt that ez!

    black lvl/blue explosion on impact
    (im using references from my other tutorials)
    1. again, find the gun you want to mod(explosives are the best)
    2. again now go near the FFFF's then up a few lines until you see A041, C841, A241....etc
    3. this is the second one i was talking about on the same row!
    4. change it to 0044 for a black lvl on impact/ or change it to 0043 for a blue explosion
    5. enjoy...now wasnt that easy?

    some address to start you off:
    goggle mods: 03=no goggles(appears clear)
    01=IR goggles
    02=NV goggles
    04=EDSU goggles
    MGL: 0x00832440
    M16K: 0x00836E2C
    AK47: 0x00833454
    chinese type 56: 0x008342D4
    desert eagle 357.: 0x00834AD4
    dragonov SVD: 0x00834C74
    FAMAS: 0x00834E14
    galil AR: 0x008352E4
    flash bang's: 0x00836974
    M67's: 0x00836B14
    IR goggles: 0x00837244
    NV goggles: 0x008373D4
    Z_X-Ray goggles: 0x00837564
    EPDD(not 100% sure): 0x00837E54
    M1 super: 0x00838194
    desert eagle 44: 0x00838334
    EPDD(not 100% sure): 0x008384C4
    makarov: 0x00838664
    spectre: 0x008389A4
    usas-12: 0x00838CD4
    EPDD(not 100% sure): 0x008391A4
    Flash light: 0x0083A364
    RPK: 0x0083AB64
    AR-15: 0x0083B374
    sawed off shotgun: 0x0083BB84
    SPAS-15: 0x0083DD54
    SPAS-12: 0x0083DEE4
    12 guage sweeper: 0x0083E894
    M-60: 0x0083EA34
    turret gun: 0x0083ED54
    Flame thrower: 0x0083FBE4
    Zip line(may freeze game): 0x008403F4
    Ramat: 0x00840F34
    Tripbar: 0x008410D4
    Rippers: 0x008415A4
    sawed-off pistols: 0x00841C24
    EDSU goggles: 0x00843020
    AP mine: 0x00843120
    laser mine: 0x008432B0
    claymore mine: 0x00843450
    EMP grenades: 0x00843E00
    mine trigger: 0x008435F0
    SMAW: 0x0083FD84

    credits go to scruffy120

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