Well this is the most easiest things I ever tried.

Also this method is similar to others but I wrote this guide to make it easy and simple to understand.

First off you can do this in CheatMaster and nitePR.

(I use cheatmaster cause of the search range)

Well first off go to a playable part of the game. It doesn't matter what type, map or anything. Since its running constantly. There are 2 types of Hooks Consistant and Constant.

Consistant = It's only called when you do something in the game for example in Socom when you press "Compass".

Constant = A constant hook is called over and over repeatedly which isn't good for jokers unless you do a button command.

Hook = Is like a trigger for the subroutine. The most important thing there. If you don't have, the entire sub will be just some commands written on a area populated by nops. Most hooks are Jr Ra but they can also be JAL. Just depends on which one you choose.

Well you are on the game now open your cheat device. I'll be using Cheatmaster Fusion R15 for this tutorial.

You can do this on Ad Hoc since the hook I'll be showing you to find a "Constant Hook".

But still lets continue.

Once you're on Ad Hoc and have opened your Cheatmaster Go to "Search Data" and go to "ChangeRange"

You will get something saying:

"Smallest: 0x00000000 16Hex" Change this to the start of the area you want to search for your Hook. I'll be using 0x00060000.

"Largest: 0x01800000 16Hex" Change this to the last of the area you want to search for your Hook. Mine will be 0x00070000.

After that go to "Change Type" and change "Auto" to "32BIT".

Now go to "New Search" press the "Square" button to change it from Decimal to Hex. Now make that from "0x00000050" to "0x03e00008" and search. Once you have the results press "Square" to add all the address. Choose a name, Put "DataType" as "32BIT" And you will get the value you used to search that would be "0x03e00008" nop that. If you don't know what nop is then make that line all zeros, 0x00000000. Then select "No" at "Lock?"

Now go to "Save Table" save them because it will freeze when you find your Constant Hook.

After you have saved go to "Cheat Table" And start testing them 1 by 1 until you find one that immediatly freezes your game once you exit the cheat device screen. Found one that freezes then congratulations on getting your first Constant Hook.

Now go back to game and open Cheatmaster go to "Load Table" And load the hooks table and go to your Hooks address and write it down. You now have the trigger to your subroutine.

Enjoy, Written by Sly Xross. Don't steal credit or post on another site without my permission.