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    Default Making Codes With Floats - Murderface

    Okay, So we've all used codes like Size Modifiers,walk through walls, turborun, and superjumps right? Wouldn't you like to learn how to make some of those codes on your own? Well, in this guide I'm gonna teach you how!

    What I am going to show you today is how to make some cool codes through finding your player's co-ordinates in-game. Now, this method will work for most games, but not all, so it's best to just try your luck and see what happens. For this tutorail, we're gonna use the CheatMasterR15 plugin for this, the reason for this is that while nitepr is a great plugin, cheatmaster has a cool feature that lets you search certian ranges of addresses, which is a big help.

    If you don't already have this version of cheatmaster, I suggest getting it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OU1C77UV

    Okay for the first part of the tutorial, I'm gonna show you how to find your player's coordinates on the map, now for 3d games, they use an X,Y, and Z axis to plot where your character and other objects are. X and Y coordinates usually refer to a players location on the map itself, while the Z coordinate refers to the players height. For most games, there are some valuable addresses stored near the players coordinates, so lets start by finding them.

    Start your game, and open cheatmaster by holding the L trigger and hit Dpad right.A blue menu should appear. We want to select the first option "Search Data" by hitting X,Now, move down to "Change Type", hit X and select "Fuz 32 Bit", now scroll up and hit new search, and pick Auto when prompted.

    Now, there are 2 ways of finding the location addresess, the long way and the short way. I'm going to cover both.

    The Long Way- Xand Y Coordinates:

    Okay, so now that we've started our seacrch, go back in-game and move your character to a different part of the map, and open cheat master back up, and do a search for "Changed(<>)"
    Once it finishes, go back and game and DO NOT MOVE! stand in the same postion for a minute or so, then open Cheatmaster and do a search for "NoCh(=)" this is an "equal" search, we're telling Cheatmaster that we didn't move. Once that search finishes, move very slightly forward or to the side,and search different. Wait for that search to finish, go move somewhere else and search different. Repeat this prcess until you get to about 50 results or so, this may take a while. Once you're down to about 50 results, hit square while the results are showing to add all the cheats to your database. Enter any name you would like for the cheats, and hit start. For datatype, select auto, and hit X. When it shows 0000000080 10Dec or something like that, hit square, and adjust the value to 42000000 or something similar. Then select lock to NO.

    Now for the part that most people forget to do,Select save table on the main cheatmaster menu,and save your codes. This is just in case you freeze, you can still retry without researching.
    Now we want to go to our Cheat Table,and hit square on about 10 addresses,so that the "lock" all the way in the right column says yes. Now, go back in game and see if your codes had any effect. What we're looking for is for our player to warp to another location. If you freeze, restart, load your cheats and try again. If there is no "player warping" then go back to your cheat table, and set the 10 codes you tried earlier to off, then pick another 10, and try again. Repeat this until you find your "player warp" code, then proceed onto the "Finding the Floats" section of this guide.

    If Your Game Is DMA'ed, Try Lower Addresses First!

    The Fast Way - Finding the Z Coordinate

    Okay, so in case you didn't notice, finding the X and why coordinates can take a while. This way is much faster. For on a level with hills/slopes,etc Even a building you can climb on will help. If you can jump in game, this may help as well. Some games the only way to find this is by jumping in the air
    Okay, so go find your hill w/e, and go stand at the bottom, and start your Fuz 32Bit search just like before.Now, go about halfway up the hill, open cheatmaster, go to search again, and select Incr(>). Once that finishes, go up to the top of the hill, and search Increase again. Then go to the bottom of the hill and search Decr(<). Go halfway up the hill, and search Incr(>) again. Repeat this process until you get down to about 50 results. This method is much quicker.

    Now this next part is just pasted from the long method,but the process is the same here:
    Once you're down to about 50 results, hit square while the results are showing to add all the cheats to your database. Enter any name you would like for the cheats, and hit start. For datatype, select auto, and hit X. When it shows 0000000080 10Dec or something like that, hit square, and adjust the value to 42000000 or something similar. Then select lock to NO.

    Now for the part that most people forget to do,Select save table on the main cheatmaster menu,and save your codes. This is just in case you freeze, you can still retry without researching.
    Now we want to go to our Cheat Table,and hit square on about 10 addresses,so that the "lock" all the way in the right column says yes. Now, go back in game and see if your codes had any effect. What we're looking for is for our player to warp to another location. If you freeze, restart, load your cheats and try again. If there is no "player warping" then go back to your cheat table, and set the 10 codes you tried earlier to off, then pick another 10, and try again. Repeat this until you find your "player warp" code, then proceed onto the "Finding the Floats" section of this guide.

    The only exception to this part is that you're not looking for the player to warp, you're looking for the player to "jump" in the air.

    Finding The Floats

    Now, to quote sketch, founder of OHG, the code you just made is pretty much trash, especially if you don't know how to write a subroutine(and if you're having to use this guide, you probably don't).
    There are a lot of values generally stored around th loction coordinates address of 3F80, so the next step is to do a ranged search in cheatmaster around your coordintae's address.

    Open Cheatmaster,Go to search data, and change type to 16 Bit (Not Fuz 16Bit). Then go to range, and subtract a few thousand hex from your coodrinates. For example if your Coordinate is 0x003125A1, then your minimum should be about 0x00310000 and set your max to about 0x00320000. Then go to new search, hit square, and set the HEX to 3F80. You should only get maybe 500 results at the most, if you get more, then change your search ange and try again. Now, lets add all the codes to our database, Hit square, put whatever name you like, and set the type to 16 bit, and put the value as 4080, for lock, hit no. Now save those, and go try some of your new cheats, if you find one that works, write it down exactly as it appears in the browser, Cheatmaster uses the same format as nitePR, so its easy to make a hack from there. Another good Idea, which will usually give you WTW hacks, is to set all the codes to 0x0030, and run into a wall continuously, if it works, you have a WTW code, just narrow down which code works.

    Thanks for reading, I hope you like my guide, please leave questions/comments below. Thanks goes out to:

    • Sketch For writing the original guide
    • Black Wolf for the Z coordinate tips
    Last edited by Murderface; 10-20-2008 at 12:57 AM.

  2. #2
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    Nice guide, you still need to fix that bottom part though, about scuzz.

  3. #3
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    very nice, but i dont see why you cannot use nitePR? its practically the same thing....plus some?

  4. #4
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    You definitely could, but with cm you can search in a certain range, you can add and modify 500 one shot, and test them quicker. So yeah cm would be better sometimes, but nitepr works fine...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsYou View Post
    You definitely could, but with cm you can search in a certain range, you can add and modify 500 one shot, and test them quicker. So yeah cm would be better sometimes, but nitepr works fine...
    yeah, i think im gunna stick with nitePR =] i like it better, and itsnt CM in japanese or chinese?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scruffy120 View Post
    yeah, i think im gunna stick with nitePR =] i like it better, and itsnt CM in japanese or chinese?
    but using cheatmaster online can easily kick you offline cz it always uses pause game enabled which m having trouble with

  7. #7
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    No theres english versions of CM. & You only get kicked off if you take long...

  8. #8
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    Thanks! +rep

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsYou View Post
    No theres english versions of CM. & You only get kicked off if you take long...
    lol, i take long =p

  10. #10
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    Then use it offline :] Or jusr stick with pr

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