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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Post Incrementing/Decrementing codes

    This tutorial was by me..

    Now we will use a money code for any game you wish.

    this is what we (as in I) would do:

    load the upper controller address into t0
    then you would load the lower half of the controller into t0 and back to (t0)
    we then load our button and 0 into t1 and set your button value to Increase
    we then load our button and 0 into t2 and set your button value to Decrease
    now we load our upper code address into t3 
    we branch our controller t0 and our button t1 to the next branch address
    nop is our line delay
    now load the 2nd half of you code address into t4 and back to (t3)
    we then load our button and 0 into t5 and set your increment rate
    now we add t6 t4 and t5 - this says add t4 and t5 and store result into t6
    now we store the 2nd half of our code into t6 and back to (t3)
    we now branch our controller t0 and our button t2 to the end line which is jr ra
    nop is our line delay
    now load the 2nd half of you code address into t4 and back to (t3)
    we then load our button and 0 into t5 and set your increment rate
    now we subtract t6 t4 and t5 - this says add t4 and t5 and store result into t6
    now we store the 2nd half of our code into t6 and back to (t3)
    jr ra - ends our routine
    Use thes commands:
    add or addu
    sub or subu
    jr ra
    j - for your hook
    Don't forget the Negative rule and your hook.
    Last edited by Emu; 05-19-2010 at 11:19 PM.

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