Hello, I made a program that will generate the line that you need for game.txt. Here is the download link:

Send Space - PRX Insatller v1

Here is how you use it, I'll be using NitePR as an example. Here is the first screen:

TheEliteOne's PRX Installer v1

Enter folder your prx is in:

So I would enter seplugins:

TheEliteOne's PRX Installer v1

Enter folder your prx is in:

Then once I press enter I will go to here, I type in nitepr:

TheEliteOne's PRX Installer v1

Enter folder your prx is in:


Enter the name of the prx with out the .prx

Now it gives me the line to game.txt:

TheEliteOne's PRX Installer v1

Right click and select mark to copy.
Copy this line and add it to game.txt and the PRX will be activated.
No need to go into recovery!

ms0:/seplugins/nitepr.prx 1

Press any key to continue . . .
Then once you press a button it will go to the start of the program !

Here is the source code:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string>
#define cls system("cls");
#define pause system("pause");
#define title cout<<"TheEliteOne's PRX Installer v1\n\n";
using namespace std;
string x,y,z;
int main()
cout<<"Enter folder your prx is in:\n\n";
cin >> x;
cout<<"\nEnter the name of the prx with out the .prx\n\n";
cin >> y;
cout<<"Right click and select mark to copy.\n";
cout<<"Copy this line and add it to game.txt and the PRX will be activated.\n";
cout<<"No need to go into recovery!\n\n";
cout<<"ms0:/"<<x<<"/"<<y<<".prx 1\n\n";
goto Start;
Some people don't know how to just type these and I was board so I made this, hope it helps, and you wont need to go into recovery