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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
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    Default Calculator Example C++

    Hello, here is a calculator example that I typed up, edit and remove things to try and learn more

    TheEliteOne's C++ Calculator Example
    Every thing that I could explain is explained
    Try changing some things, removing things, ect. to learn more.
    #include <iostream> //Includes the iostream file from your library into your program when you compile it
    #include <cmath> //Includes the cmath file from your library into your program when you compile it
    using namespace std;
    char type; //Allows us to use the variable type
    int number1, number2, number3; //Allows us to use the variables type, number1, number2, and number3 in are program
    int main() //Says that we are entering the main function of are program
    { //This is the start of are main function
    First: //This will be used for goto command later
    system("cls"); //This clears the screen, so if we goto first the screen will clear
    cout<<"TheEliteOne's Calculator Example\n\n"; //Displays the words TheEliteOne's Calculator Example, the \n is like pressing enter
    cout<<"Enter the number for the operation you want to peform:\n\n"; //Displays text
    cout<<"1) Addition\n2) Subtraction\n3) Multiplication\n4) Divition\n\n";
    cin>>type; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable type
    if(type=='1') //If the user typed 1 they will go through the following until the }
    { //Starts what will happen when you type in 1
               Add: //This will be used for a goto command
               system("cls"); //Clears the screen
               cout<<"Enter the first number:\n\n"; //Displays text
               cin>>number1; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number1
               cout<<"\nEnter the second number:\n\n"; //Displays text
               cin>>number2; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number2
               number3=number1+number2; //Adds number1 and number2 and stores the result into number3
               system("cls"); //Clears the screen
               cout<<"Result:\n\n" <<number3<< "\n\n"; //Displays the result
               cout<<"Try again? (y/n)\n\n"; //Displays text
               cin>>type; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored into the vareable type
               if(type=='Y') //If the user typed Y they will continue on, C++ is case sinsitive, so I added this check to make sure it works with a Y
                             { //Starts what will happen when you type in Y
                             goto Add; //If the user typed in Y they would go back to Add
                             } //Ends what would happen if the user typed in Y, so if they didn't type Y they would go to here
               if(type=='y') //Here is the same thing for y
                             { //Starts what would happen when you type in y
                             goto Add; //Goto add
                             } //Ends
               if(type=='N') //Now here is if the user typed in N
                             { //Start
                             goto First; //So if the user typed in N we would goto First
                             } //Ends
               if(type=='n') //One for n
                            { //Start
                            goto First; //Goto First
                            } //Ends
    } //Ends of what heppends if you press 1 in the main menu
    if(type=='2') //If the user typed in 2 in the main menu they would go through the following untell the }
    { //Start
                 Sub: //This will be used for a goto command
                 system("cls"); //Clears the screen
                 cout<<"Enter the first number:\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>number1; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number1
                 cout<<"\nEnter the second number:\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>number2; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number2
                 number3=number1-number2; //Subtracts number1 and number2 and stores the result into number3
                 system("cls"); //Clears the screen
                 cout<<"Result:\n\n" <<number3<< "\n\n"; //Displays the result
                 cout<<"Try again? (y/n)\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>type; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored into the vareable type
                 if(type=='Y') //If the user typed Y they will continue on, C++ is case sinsitive, so I added this check to make sure it works with a Y
                               { //Starts what will happen when you type in Y
                               goto Sub; //If the user typed in Y they would go back to Sub
                               } //Ends what would happen if the user typed in Y, so if they didn't type Y they would go to here
                if(type=='y') //Here is the same thing for y
                             { //Starts what would happen when you type in y
                             goto Sub; //Goto Sub
                             } //Ends
                if(type=='N') //Now here is if the user typed in N
                             { //Start
                             goto First; //So if the user typed in N we would goto First
                             } //Ends
                if(type=='n') //One for n
                            { //Start
                            goto First; //Goto First
                            } //Ends
    } //Ends of what heppends if you press 2 in the main menu
    if(type=='3') //If the user typed 3 in the main menu they will go through the following until the }
    { //Start
                 Mult: //This will be used for a goto command
                 system("cls"); //Clears the screen
                 cout<<"Enter the first number:\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>number1; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number1
                 cout<<"\nEnter the second number:\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>number2; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number2
                 number3=number1*number2; //Multiplies number1 and number2 and stores the result into number3
                 system("cls"); //Clears the screen
                 cout<<"Result:\n\n" <<number3<< "\n\n"; //Displays the result
                 cout<<"Try again? (y/n)\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>type; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored into the vareable type
                 if(type=='Y') //If the user typed Y they will continue on, C++ is case sinsitive, so I added this check to make sure it works with a Y
                               { //Starts what will happen when you type in Y
                               goto Mult; //If the user typed in Y they would go back to Mult
                               } //Ends what would happen if the user typed in Y, so if they didn't type Y they would go to here
                if(type=='y') //Here is the same thing for y
                             { //Starts what would happen when you type in y
                             goto Mult; //Goto Mult
                             } //Ends
                if(type=='N') //Now here is if the user typed in N
                             { //Start
                             goto First; //So if the user typed in N we would goto First
                             } //Ends
                if(type=='n') //One for n
                            { //Start
                            goto First; //Goto First
                            } //Ends
    } //Ends what happens if you press 3 in the main menu
    if(type=='4') //If the user typed 4 in the main menu they will go through the following until the }
    { //Start
                 Div: //This will be used for a goto command
                 system("cls"); //Clears the screen
                 cout<<"Enter the first number:\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>number1; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number1
                 cout<<"\nEnter the second number:\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>number2; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored in the vareable number2
                 number3=number1/number2; //Divides number1 and number2 and stores the result into number3
                 system("cls"); //Clears the screen
                 cout<<"Result:\n\n" <<number3<< "\n\n"; //Displays the result
                 cout<<"Try again? (y/n)\n\n"; //Displays text
                 cin>>type; //This makes it so what ever you typed in is stored into the vareable type
                 if(type=='Y') //If the user typed Y they will continue on, C++ is case sinsitive, so I added this check to make sure it works with a Y
                               { //Starts what will happen when you type in Y
                               goto Div; //If the user typed in Y they would go back to Div
                               } //Ends what would happen if the user typed in Y, so if they didn't type Y they would go to here
                if(type=='y') //Here is the same thing for y
                             { //Starts what would happen when you type in y
                             goto Div; //Goto Div
                             } //Ends
                if(type=='N') //Now here is if the user typed in N
                             { //Start
                             goto First; //So if the user typed in N we would goto First
                             } //Ends
                if(type=='n') //One for n
                            { //Start
                            goto First; //Goto First
                            } //Ends
    } //Ends what happens if you press 3 in the main menu
    else //So if the user types in some thing in the main menu that we don't wont we will go through this
    { //Start
             goto First; //So if you type in a number that we don't want nothing happens
    } //Ends
    } //Ends main, and are program
    //Try changing some things, removing things, ect. to learn more.
    Here are two links to the program that this source code would make:

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
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    Default Re: Calculator Example C++

    Works i assume try not to you goto labels when you can, and you can shorten the code by using and/or operators.

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