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    Default Heavy Rain™ Guide/Trophies

    Spoiler Game Alert: This guide reveals the plot and story outcomes and such.

    Hit CTRL + F to find what you need. Blue = Trophies.

    Some trophies are easier to get if you change your difficulty setting to "I am not very familiar with the ps3 controls".
    e.g. "Baby master" and "Ludwig Von".

    However, don't keep this setting on easy for long, otherwise it would take the fun out of the game.


    Heavy Rain Master - Unlock all other trophies.
    __________________________________________________ ____________________


    Happy Birthday - During the Prologue, complete the tasks for drawing,
    setting the table, and play with the kids

    :: Drawing :: Complete the sequence till the drawing is

    :: Set table :: Take the plates and put them on the table
    at Grace's request.

    :: Play with kids :: Play with the kids in the garden.

    Interactive Drama - Automatically earned by finishing the Opening Credits.

    Good Father - During Father and Son, follow the schedule with Shaun and
    put him to bed in good mood. Follow the schedule written
    in the kitchen. You can look at the clock on the wall if
    you need the correct time.

    White Knight - During Sleazy Place, defeat Troy. Once Shelby leaves
    Lauren's apartment, Troys arrives and hits her. Knock on
    Lauren's door and win the fight.

    Private Eye - During Sleazy Place, lead Lauren to talk about her son.
    When the choices BUY and TRICK appear during the dialogue
    opt. to use TRICK.

    FBI Investigator - During Crime Scene, locate all the clues related to the
    Origami Killer in the scene. To complete this task, check
    the following evidence with "ARI" in any order:

    :: The blood on the rail.

    :: The blood on the fence.

    :: The blood on Jeremy Bowles' leg.

    :: The orchid on Jeremy bowles.

    :: Touch Jeremy Bowles' hand.

    :: The footprint near the railroad.

    :: The pollen near the tent.

    :: The tire tracks near the highway.

    Good Friends - During The Park, successfully play two games with Shaun
    and buy him candy. Any of the two activities: merry-go-
    round, seesaw, swing or boomerang will work.

    Got To Remember! - During Welcome, Norman!, remember the time it was at the
    park and what Shaun was wearing. The good answers are:
    16:15 (or 4:15 PM), beige coat, and green pants. All X's (I think).

    Negotiator - During Hassan's Shop, persuade the robber to leave.
    To complete this task, approach the robber until he tries
    something with Shelby. During the dialog between Shelby
    and the robber, Put ur hands up, then stick with these answers:

    Choose any, but no more than 4. I did the first 4 and drop weapon.

    After three persuasive answers are delivered, you should
    have a new choice "DROP WEAPON", choose this action after you
    have choosen the 4 options, making it your 5th option and
    the robber will leave the shop without an incident.

    Note: don't linger on the answers too much, or select
    more than five responses that doesn't include DROP WEAPON,
    or the robber will get annoyed and you will have failed
    the task.

    VIP - During Paparazzi, leave home without being spotted. To
    do this, exit through the garden, go across the neighbor's
    garden (this is to Ethan's left when he exits the house),
    and slip right into your vehicle without being seen. That
    or you can use the Octo-Camo and Stun-Knife. lol.

    Agoraphobia - During Lexington Station, knock down at least fifty (50)
    passers-by. When Ethan hallunicinates, simply push through
    50 people as quickly as possible. If you live in New York
    City, this should be second nature.

    Lucky Locker - During Lexington Station, find the correct locker on
    first try. Do not open just any damn locker, but
    locate the correct one by referring to the number and
    alley on the ticket.

    Blunder - During Nathaniel, shoot the fucker. When given the action to
    shoot Nathaniel, pull the trigger with R1.

    Self Control - During Nathaniel, refrain from gunning his ass down.

    Baby Master - During Suicide Baby, make no mistakes taking care of
    the baby. You must succeed in completing ALL of the
    prompts related to the baby:

    :: Change the diaper ::
    -Open the diaper,
    -Lift the baby,
    -Remove the old diaper,
    -put the new one,
    -close the diaper.

    :: Feed the baby ::
    -Take the baby, Feed her.

    :: Make the baby burp ::

    :: Rock the baby slowly ::

    :: Put her slowly into the cradle ::

    It should be noted that the OPEN THE DIAPER and LIFT and
    TAKE THE BABY are a part of the task set. Missing them
    means you fail.

    It is easier if you change your difficulty setting to "I am not very familiar with the ps3 controls".

    Kamikaze - During The Bear, take the best route on the highway.
    Use the following steps to complete this task (note
    there are other random prompts in between each
    'mandatory' step):

    :: 1. Left or Right
    :: 2. Right
    :: 3. Left
    :: 4. Left at the barrier
    :: 5. Right when you encounter three vehicles and the bus
    :: 6. Right
    :: 7. Right at the toll booth
    :: 8. Right (SixAxis turn)
    :: 9. Left or Right

    Note: you cannot fail with the other prompts that occur
    in between.

    Good Driver - During The Bear, complete the Bear Trial successfully
    by not failing the prompts too often (more than twice
    in a row, etc.).

    Cat & Mouse - During Covered Market, defeat Korda in the cold
    storage locker.

    Tough Guy - During Kramer's Party, defeat Gordi's bodyguards.
    Win the fight upstairs after Shelby speaks with

    Coward! - During The Butterfly, give up or fail the Butterfly
    Trial. You can give up if you open the door on the
    left in the condenser's room.

    Electrified - During The Butterfly, complete the trial successfully.

    Good Cop - During Shrink and Punches, stop Blake from hitting
    Dupre. When Blake starts to get violent, have Jayden
    mitigate and prevent the physical violence.

    Bad Cop - During Shrink and Punches, don't stop Blake from
    hitting Dupre. In fact, you can egg him on.

    Gold Finger - During The Lizard, cut Ethan's finger using the axe,
    knife, or pliers, then disinfect and cauterize the

    To cauterize the wound, heat up the iron bar on the
    cooker, and make sure you do this b4, because you don't have time to bleed.

    Butcher - During The Lizard, cut Ethan's finger using the saw
    or scissors. Disinfectant may be optional.

    Fugitive - During the Fugitive, have both characters escape Blake
    in the subway station. Cross the tracks before the
    train separates the two fugitives or Blake catches
    up to them.

    Hands Up! - During the Fugitive or during On the Loose, get yourself
    arrested by Blake. Simply stay put and Blake and Jayden
    will eventually nab you.

    Ludwig Von - During Jayden Blues, play the piano without a wrong
    note. Rigorously follow the prompts and don't fail.

    Detox - During Jayden Blues, resist the Triptocaine addiction by
    not drinking from the tube. Tossing the tube of crap into
    the toilet will be a sure fire way of kicking the habit.

    Wise Guy - During Under Arrest, switch the camera off in the
    surveillance room before saving Ethan.

    I'm a Killer... - During The Shark, kill the Drug Dealer when given
    the choice.

    I'm not a Killer! - During The Shark, spare the Drug Dealer's life when
    given the choice.

    Smart Girl - During The Doc, do not drink the Doc's beverage
    when offered.

    Queen of Ropes - During The Doc, escape before the Doc returns. Start
    by focusing on the right leg in order to free Madison.
    After that, try to avoid failing the prompts.

    Goodbye Mad Jack - During Mad Jack, survive the fight against Mad Jack
    and come out on top.

    The Chef - During Eureka, prepare a good omelet on time. Just
    follow Shelby's available options and don't fail
    the prompts.

    I'm not Scared! - During Twins, follow your brother without making any
    mistakes in the prompts.

    Pride Saved - During Sexy Girl, have Madison take off no more than
    one piece of clothing during the strip-tease. Select the "LAMP" thought
    (hold L2) and then pick up the LAMP as soon as this choice is available.

    Unforgivable - During On the Loose, do not forgive Madison when the
    choice is available. Note that she must be still alive
    for this choice to appear; this isn't a Marvel Comic,
    where people get killed, revived, and cloned on every
    damn panel.

    Lover Boy - During On the Loose, forgive Madison when the choice is
    available. She must be alive for this to happen.

    Escape Master - During On the Loose, escape the police at the motel.
    Follow the prompts and choose the option to JUMP at the
    end of the sequence.

    Swimming Instructor - During Trapped, save Lauren while underwater. Untie and
    take her with you for the escape.

    Invincible Scott - During Face to Face, do not get shot in Kramer's villa
    by not failing at any of the action prompts. This game
    needs more Ninja Blade.

    Kind Hearted - During Face to Face, give Kramer his medicine at the
    end of the scene. The medicine is in the desk.

    Sacrifice - During The Rat, choose to drink the poison.

    Clever Dad - During The Rat, work out where Shaun is held. There
    are two methods to meet this criteria:

    :: Ethan succeeds all five 5 trials. He obtains the
    address with the hanging game.

    :: Ethan finds the address with the GPS by succeeding
    in 3 to 4 trials and guesses the address.

    Cold as Ice - During Killer's Place, survive the explosion by
    hiding in the refrigerator. Enter the the kitchen
    and hide in the ice box.

    Simple Mind - During The Old Warehouse, save the Origami Killer
    before he falls, with either Jayden or Madison.

    So Close... - During The Old Warehouse, reach the end with all
    characters and make all your characters die in this

    Heavy Rain Hero - Finish the game once with any ending.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________________


    Four Heroes - Have all four characters reach the Old Warehouse by
    insuring the following occur:

    :: Ethan remains free from jail.

    :: Madison remains alive (thats right =]) and found the password in the killer's

    :: Both Ethan and Jayden found the adress or have been
    called by Madison when she is in the Killer's place.

    Trial Master - Successfully pass all of Ethan's origami trials (Bear,
    Butterfly, Lizard, Shark, Rat)

    Nerd - Find all clues using ARI (the Crime scene, Mad Jack,
    and Fish tank) and find the Origami Killer. The
    criteria are:

    :: Locate and scan all the clues relating to the
    Origami Killer in 'Crime Scene'. This includes
    all clues on the body, the pollen trail, the
    blood stains and footprints that lead to the
    embankment and the footprints and tire tracks
    next to the highway. For the specifics of this
    criterium, check the trophy 'FBI Investigator'.

    :: Scan and find all clues in 'Mad Jack'. This is
    everything in the garage. Tire tracks, paint,
    blood, etc.

    :: Scan and find all clues in 'Fish Tank'. This is
    everything in Paco's office. The gun, prints,
    bullets etc. You must also successfully fight
    the Origami Killer so the gas station receipts
    can be collected.

    Before completing Fish Tank, make sure to pick
    up both guns -- one is behind the door and the
    one in the middle of the room.

    :: Solve the puzzle in 'Solving the Puzzle'. Use
    geo-analysis on the gas station receipts. Analyze
    the gun or ARI recording (pause and analyse the
    Gold Watch) to reveal the Cop clue. Carry on the
    investigation by using geo-analysis on the Cop clue.

    Saved the Kid - Save Shaun with one of the characters. Perform CPR correctly.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________________


    Perfect Crime - The following criteria must be met: clean Manfred's
    shop of evidence; let Lauren, Hassan, and Kramer die;
    allow both Madison and Jayden to die; and the Origami
    Killer remains free.

    :: Allow Hassan to get shot in 'Hassan's Shop'. Just
    wait in the back of the shop until Andrew leaves.

    :: Let Ethan get arrested in the 'Fugitive'. This is
    easily done by removing the planks by the window
    with Madison, and then drag/push the red box over
    to the window. This triggers the timer for the police
    to enter the room. Afterwards, simply wait.

    :: Clean all prints in 'Manfred'. Easily done by not
    having Shelby enter the bathroom. The prints are:

    a) Telephone in Manfred's office.

    b) Telephone in the shop.

    c) The Magnifying Glass.

    d) The Whiskey Bottle.

    e) The Whiskey Glasses.

    f) The ballerina ornament Lauren picks up.

    g) The handle on the front door.

    h) The glass cabinet that Lauren leans on in front
    of the store counter.

    :: Kiss Madison and complete the love scene in 'On the loose'
    and opt to forgive her afterwards.

    :: Let Lauren drown in 'Trapped' by not removing her seat
    belt. "Moar proof" seat belts are deadly!

    :: Walk out of the study and do not give Kramer his pills
    in 'Face to Face'.

    :: Allow Madison to be immolated after she's locked in the
    secret room in 'Killer's Place'. Setting her on fire is
    one of the game's most hilarious moments, akin to
    watching Petunia or Giggles burn to death on Happy Tree

    :: Allow Shelby to kill Jayden on the conveyor belt in the
    final 'Old Warehouse' act.

    This will unlock the 'New Start', 'Dead Heroine', 'Uploaded'
    and 'Unpunished' Epilogues.

    All Endings - Earn all 7 endings. It's best to meet the trophy criteria
    for 'Perfect Crime', 'Nerd', and 'All Trials' and make sure
    Ethan gets arrested after the Lizard Trial.

    Additionally, after having sex w/ Madison, choose to forgive
    her. These conditions are for 'Tears of Rain' and 'New Life'
    but have no bearing on the other epilogues (which involves
    setting people on fire, jumping out the window, scoring
    some coke, bombing the Russians, and flying into the sun
    ... like a boss).

    Next, during the playthrough for 'Perfect Crime', keep
    Madison alive until she reaches 'Killer's Place' and let
    Shelby kill Jayden in 'Old Warehouse'

    This ensures that all endings and time consuming trophies
    can be achieved by backtracking no further than the 'On
    the Loose' act. Note -- later acts will be altered if you
    complete a scene; hence, you want to work backwards.

    Ending Criteria/Outcomes:

    1. Complete the 'Perfect Crime' Trophy.

    ** This unlocks - 'New Start', 'Dead Heroine',
    'Uploaded', and 'Unpunished'.

    2. Load 'Killer's Place' and succeed in finding
    the address of the warehouse on the laptop. Survive
    by hiding in the refrigerator. Successfully complete
    all following scenes through the 'Old Warehouse'
    act. Ethan saves Shaun, Madison warns Ethan of the
    cops, and Jayden kills Shelby.

    ** This unlocks - 'New Life', 'Origami Grave's', and
    'Case Closed'.

    3. Load 'Old Warehouse' and fail with all characters.
    Do not have Madison warn Ethan, and let Shelby
    kill Jayden.

    ** This unlocks: 'Ethan's Grave', 'Heroine', and

    4. Load 'The Rat' and fail the trial. Do not
    locate Shaun by selecting the incorrect address
    (when you complete only 3 or 4 origami trials).
    Have Jayden pussy out in 'Solving the Puzzle'
    as well (like a boss). Let Madison die in 'Killers

    ** This unlocks - 'Origami Blues' and 'Smoking

    5. Load 'Killer's Place' and have Madison escape,
    but do not use the laptop to find the address of
    the warehouse.

    ** This unlocks - 'Tears in Rain'.

    6. Load 'On the Loose' and let Ethan get arrested
    the second time. Save Lauren from drowning during
    'Trapped'. Have Jayden give up in 'Solving the
    Puzzle'. Have Madison escape 'Killer's Place',
    but do not use the laptop to find the address of
    the warehouse.

    ** This unlocks - 'Helpless', 'Square One', and 'A
    Mother's Revenge'.

    7. Load 'Killer's Place' and successfully obtain
    the address from the laptop. Elect to go to the
    warehouse ALONE. Have Madison save Shaun in 'Old
    Warehouse', and then survive the final chase over
    the roof with Shelby.

    ** This unlocks - 'Innocent', 'Heroine', and

    Their is a total of 22 endings I believe. 21 After you beat the game once.
    Last edited by ArmedllllKiLLa; 03-10-2010 at 06:57 PM. Reason: Updated Negotiator, etc, etc

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Heavy Rain™ Guide/Trophies

    whoa. thanks for the guide armed i'm planning on buying this game soon so this will be nice to have :]

    My Personal ArtBlog & Resource Sharing: www.nxflow.com

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Heavy Rain™ Guide/Trophies

    Quote Originally Posted by nx.dcr View Post
    whoa. thanks for the guide armed i'm planning on buying this game soon so this will be nice to have :]
    No problem . It's a good game, though I hope that I didn't spoil it for you =D.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Heavy Rain™ Guide/Trophies

    Not yet you didn't

    My Personal ArtBlog & Resource Sharing: www.nxflow.com

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