#!!----Off-Line Codes----
#Inf Health Off-line
;Credit Atropos
;gives team inf health
0x00000098 0x0A2001C0
0x00000700 0x3C0808C9
0x00000704 0x8D0905F0
0x00000708 0x1120000A
0x00000710 0x3C0B4302
0x00000714 0xAD2B01F0
0x00000718 0x3C0C4302
0x0000071C 0xAD2C05E0
0x00000720 0x3C0D4302
0x00000724 0xAD2D09D0
0x00000728 0x3C0E4302
0x0000072C 0xAD2E0DC0
0x00000734 0x03E00008
#Disable AI Primary Weapon
;Credit Atropos
;AI Wont Shoot You
;Ones on turrets still shoot
0x001CE2EC 0x03E00008
0x001CE2F0 0x00000000
#!!----Working All Modes----
#Spider Man
;Credit Atropos
0x001534e0 0x03E00008
0x001534e4 0x00000000
#Inf Plant N Thrown
;Credit Atropos
0x00644534 0x00CD0021
#!!----Room Host Codes----
#Host Inf Health
;Credit Atropos
;explosives still kill you
0x00000098 0x0a2001c0
0x00000700 0X3c0808c9
0x00000704 0x8d0905f0
0x00000708 0x11200006
0x00000710 0x3c0a4302
0x00000714 0xad2a01f0
0x00000718 0x3c0b4302
0x0000071c 0xad2b01f4
0x00000724 0x03e00008
#Stop The Violence
;Credit Atropos
;must be host
;Inf Health All
0x00148A9C 0x46146300
i know inf ammo i beleave gives inf everything but hey i still found this =P changed from subu to addu even know doesnt really increase past the max anyways
More to come!!!!!!
Here is a video of my Spiderman, Stop the violence, inf health & more online