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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
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    Default (UCUS-98668) All the hacks I've made

    #Fly Up (Select)
    ;Credit: TheEliteOne (For the joker) & _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
    ;Press Select to Fly Up untell you die.
    ;You can't stop flying once you have started.
    ;This can be usefull to escape from battles.
    ;You can't go through roofs and walls though.
    ;Once you reach a high enugh hight you die.
    0x0000E300 0x3C0808EB
    0x0000E304 0x85083DCC
    0x0000E308 0x3C0908E1
    0x0000E30C 0x340A0001
    0x0000E310 0x150A0004
    0x0000E318 0x3C0B27A7
    0x0000E31C 0x356B0140
    0x0000E320 0xAD2B1FE0
    0x0000E324 0x03E00008
    0x00146888 0x0E2038C0

    #Instant Start Game
    ;Credit HX-god_of_death
    ;Activate in Pre-Game Lobby. Must be host.
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x006BDDE4
    0x0000015C 0x00

    #Analog - Right
    ;Credit To TheEliteOne
    0x006B3DE0 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Analog Lock
    ;Credit To TheEliteOne
    0x006B3DE0 0x48000000

    #Analog Lock 2
    ;Credit To TheEliteOne
    0x006B3DE8 0x00000000

    #Slow & Glitchy Walking
    ;Credit To TheEliteOne
    0x006B3DE0 0x42A50000

    #Continue Walking Left and Right
    ;Credit To TheEliteOne
    ;When you walk left or right and you
    ;let go of analog you keep walking that
    0x006B3DE4 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Inf Grenades SubRotine
    ;Credit SonniE
    0x0000e2b0 0x3c0808a9
    0x0000e2b4 0x3c092484
    0x0000e2b8 0x35290000
    0x0000e2bc 0xad090004
    0x0000e2c0 0x03e00008
    0x00000098 0x0a2038ac

    #Inf .303 Secondary SubRoutine
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000e2c8 0x3c0808a6
    0x0000e2cc 0x3c090000
    0x0000e2d0 0xad094c34
    0x0000e2d4 0x03e00008
    0x0000098 0x0a2038b2

    #Inf Chaingun Shield SubRoutine
    ;Credit Scuzzy
    0x0000e2dc 0x3c0808a7
    0x0000e2e0 0x3c093c04
    0x0000e2e4 0x3529ffff
    0x0000e2e8 0xad09acd4
    0x0000e2ec 0x03e00008
    0x00000098 0x0a2038b7

    #Inf Fareye Secondary SubRoutine
    ;Credit Scuzzy
    0x0000e2f4 0x3c0808a7
    0x0000e2f8 0x3c093c04
    0x0000e2fc 0x3529ffff
    0x0000e300 0xad09ee4c
    0x0000e304 0x03e00008
    0x00000098 0x0a2038bd
    Last edited by TheEliteOne; 03-06-2010 at 05:34 PM.

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