Sony has released OFW 6.00, so with the DA and M33 teams literally 'dead', and GEN unable to support most of M33 stuff, is the world of CFW going down?
YES, We should start packing up and sell our PSPs on EBay
NO, We should hope that DA will be back!
Sony has released OFW 6.00, so with the DA and M33 teams literally 'dead', and GEN unable to support most of M33 stuff, is the world of CFW going down?
mybe but mybe not
not awesome but it is good
just edit the eboot.....thats how you make a cfw...and why would it die? you only need GEN for psn and its games (RR and CO)
i hope it will come back..
[quote][color=lawngreen][05-09, 03:42] xWhite_Shadowx
[05-09, 03:42] ANBU-grimm idiocy is not a word lmao
"SonniE"(8:26:02 PM): lmao
"SonniE"(8:26:05 PM): i just lost to a ai with random generated moves
superrus1 (8:37:35 PM): dumbass
superrus1 (8:37:37 PM): rofl