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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Angry How To Make Nuke Codes for Syphon Filter: Combat Ops

    first find the guns address in the browser in nitepr ,
    ex. ramat address= 0x00795A30, ok after u have the curser on the ramat address move down 9 lines to the address that says clip_rifle in the ascii collom
    after u do that move down 17 lines ,if u did it right u sould be at address
    0x00795bc0 , ok now copy that address and go to PRX menu of nitepr
    select add empty cheat then paste the address in the thing that appers
    and press O then scroll down to the bottem of the cheats in the cheater menu of nitepr press triangle on it , now scroll over under the Value.Dec collom and and change the value to 00000000165 , turn that cheat on and press music button in game and if u did it
    Last edited by wowwowwow999+; 09-11-2009 at 07:05 PM.

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